Modern city information systems applications were introduced at the SAMPAŞ "Smart Box - Smart Municipality" event held at Adana Seyhan Hotel on Thursday, March 29, with the participation of Adana Governor Hüseyin Avni Coş and Adana Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Mayor Zihni Aldırmaz.
SAMPAŞ introduced the "Smart Box - Smart Municipality" modern city information systems solution, which consolidates all information technology applications of local governments, at the "Smart Box - Smart Municipality" event held in Adana on Thursday, March 29.
The "Smart Box - Smart Municipality" platform, which includes software compatible with e-government systems, was examined by more than 50 participating municipalities with interactive demo applications during the event. “Smart Box – Smart Municipality” attracted attention with its modern city information systems solutions, especially Geographic Information System, Business Intelligence and Corporate Mobile applications.
In the event, which included special presentations where detailed information was shared on Smart Water Management, Municipal Revenue Management Systems and Urban Project Services, the importance of using the latest technologies for the development of Turkey in order to make our cities self-sufficient was revealed.
Adana Governor Hüseyin Avni Coş, who attended the event organized by SAMPAŞ with its solution partner ORACLE, said: “Turkey should take the place it deserves in the ever-developing global computer software market. For this, our entrepreneurs and universities have important duties. There is always a need for knowledge, experience, using the mind in the most efficient way and putting it into practice in a modern way. Therefore, from the simplest to the most complex works; "We need to use our minds first, then make the right decisions in line with the information we obtain and implement the necessary management styles," he said.
Speaking at the Smart Box – Smart Municipality event, Adana Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Mayor Zihni Aldırmaz said: “We attach great importance to the use of computer technologies within the institution and the creation of the city information system and central database in terms of service. We strive to ensure that the municipality has a manageable and controllable structure in a single center. I mostly give computers as gifts to students who visit me. SAMPAŞ's tax center is in Adana. "I hope other companies will take this behavior as an example," he said.
SAMPAŞ A.Ş. Chief Executive Officer Şekip Karakaya said: “The number of cities in the world now exceeds the number of villages. The population is coming to cities. Countries will develop from cities, not from a single center. Cities that know their problems and solve them permanently will progress. Every city will first develop itself and then our country. So much so that the urbanization process should be adopted as one of the most important tools of Turkey's development strategy, the development of knowledge should be ensured and appropriate projects should be developed. We, as SAMPAŞ, have been trying to do this for many years. Our job is to develop knowledge without commercial concerns. "In order not to be left behind by developing technology, we are looking for ways to improve knowledge for the development of our country," he said.
Bilim ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Adem Ersoy, Büyükşehir Belediyesi Genel Sekreteri İsmail Hakkı Develi, Adana Vergi Dairesi Başkanı Serdar Aksoy, Sanayi Odası Meclis Başkanı Ahmet Kardeşler, Sanayi Odası Başkanı Sadi Sürenkök, Ticaret Borsası Başkanı Muammer Çalışkan ve Adana Sanayici ve İşadamları Derneği Başkanı Süleyman Sönmez SAMPAŞ “Akıllı Kutu – Akıllı Belediyecilik” etkinliğine katılan diğer isimler arasındaydı.
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