Winner of six awards, including the 'Special Achievement Award in e-Municipality', with its "Smart City Automation System" (AKOS) project at the 7th eTR Awards Competition organized jointly by the Turkish Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association (TÜSİAD) and the Turkish Informatics Foundation (TBV). SAMPAŞ Information and Communication Systems Inc. He introduced modern city information system solutions at the "Smart Box – Smart Municipality" event held at Istanbul Sait Halim Pasha Mansion on Thursday, April 26th.
At the "Smart Box – Smart Municipality" event, held with the participation of SAMPAŞ Chief Executive Officer Şekip KARAKAYA, the modern city information systems platform designed for the ever-increasing needs of cities and citizens was introduced in practice, and the importance of using the platform in improving the quality of life of our citizens was underlined.
The "Smart Box - Smart Municipality" platform, which consolidates all information technology applications of local governments and includes software compatible with e-government systems, was appreciated by the participating municipalities with the detailed presentations made by SAMPAŞ business line managers and the demos held within the "Smart Tunnel" concept application area.
At the SAMPAŞ "Smart Box - Smart Municipality" event, where solutions that enable decision-making based on real-time information, applications for increasing the accruals of municipalities and the benefits of citizen-oriented modules were explained in detail, it was stated that making our cities self-sufficient with the correct use of information is important for the development of Turkey. Its importance was also emphasized.
SAMPAŞ Bilişim ve İletişim Sistemleri'nin çözüm ortağı ORACLE ile düzenlediği etkinliğe katılan SAMPAŞ İcra Kurulu Başkanı Şekip Karakaya: "Türkiye'nin bilgi toplumu olma sürecinde sorunlarını bilen ve sorunlarına kalıcı çözümler üreten kentler ilerleyecek, böylece önce kendilerini sonra da ülkemizi kalkındıracaklar. Bu çerçevede kentlerimiz için bilginin kullanılabilir hale getirilmesi sağlanmalı ve buna uygun projeler geliştirilmelidir. Bugün SAMPAŞ gelişen teknolojinin hep bir adım ilerisinde olmayı, ülkemizin kalkınması için her gün bilgi teknolojileri çözümleri üretmeyi ve geliştirmeyi en önemli ilkesi haline getirmiş bir kurumdur." şeklinde konuştu.
To get detailed information about SAMPAŞ modern city information systems, you can visit and